Tuesday, 29 May 2012

The Art Painting Of A blazing Home Artistic Expressions

North ville great artist Martha Barnes took the first place in the 2012 VAAL Spring Art Exhibit, “Artistic Expressions” for her acrylic art of oil painting of a blazing home. Juror Judy Wolfe, of Eastern Michigan, awarded 1st prize to Barnes for her acrylic art of oil painting of a blazing home, “A Controlled Burn”. Barnes stated that she photographed the image while on a recent nice trip to Oregon. A fire department there was conducting a training of huge firemen. The burning wonderful house was destroyed and replaced by a new one. After taking several photographs, she decided to paint the scene. 
Barnes has plan to  painting for about 50 years. Oils and watercolor are two other mediums she works in and she has taught classes in oil paintings and acrylics in the past. Her favorite subjects are still life and beautiful landscape. She has studied with Maxine Master field and Nita Engle.

Sunday, 27 May 2012

The Art of Fashion-Kehinde Wiley

Riccardo Tisci is incredibly gifted,” writes artist Kehinde Wiley from his great studio in Beijing, where he’s putting the finishing art of touches on “An Economy of Grace,” a series of African-American cute female portraits inspired by historical oil paintings that will be shown at the Sean Kelly Gallery in New York.  It’s the first time Wiley has focused solely on the fairer sex typically his work out depicts African-American men in contemporary street wear, painted against Baroque or other backgrounds and he asked Tisci, whom he met through the gallery, to create wonderful custom dresses for the sittings. 

Both Wiley’s vibrant and provocative aesthetic and Tisci’s vision of a strong, most powerful woman are in arguably modern, and yet Wiley believes this idea of artist joining forces with nice designer is as old as the Enlightenment-era paintings his workout  references. “In the 18th and 19th century, commissioning unique clothing for most emphasis portraiture was common practice,” 

As part of their painting  research, the two took a tour through the Louvre, examining the costumes in works like great Jacques Louis David’s Portrait of Madame Récamier, which portrays the young, porcelain-skinned Madame Récamier dressed in a cap-sleeved, beautiful gauzy white dress that pools on the floor as she reclines on a Empire-style soft sofa.

Chinese Academy of Oil Painting Mind's Eye

Jiao Xiaojian's

The great Jiao Xiaojian's works focus on the relationship between sight and perception in his portrayals of ordinary scenes of southern China. Zhang Zixuan reports. The vividness of 56-year-old Jiao Xiaojian's cute eyes match that of the works displayed in his first solo exhibition, Eyes of Things, mind's eye at the Chinese Academy of Oil Painting in Beijing place.

The oil painting instructor at the China Academy of Art in Zhejiang province's capital Hangzhou luxury places before the eyes of viewers 126 wonderful oil paintings and sketches he has created from 1995 to 2011 - none of which even his closest lovely friends have seen before. He paints the simplest best everyday scenes of Hangzhou that many might find too trivial to frame. 

Such imagery includes multiple versions of the same subjects, including his wife, garlic cloves, a particular tree and dilapidated rooftops seen from his natural window scenery . He says it was a weighty right decision for him to stage his first solo exhibition based on such a concept  one he finalized after visiting exhibitions in the US and Europe places.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

The Top Of Mountain Landscape Oil Paintings

If one has tried to stand on top of the mountain painting  and look at the view of the huge forests, the chill  rivers and the rocks – one cannot help but get captivated by it, and this is the beauty that is being preserved in the landscape art movement.

This genre is naturalistic in form and tends to magnify the view natural of land forms such as mountains, valleys or volcanoes including the long rivers and vegetation that are in it. Another important rule in this art genre is to almost always include a view of the clouds sky may it be the combining of black and blue in the early fresher  morning, the gem blue sky during the day or the battle between red and purple at sunset.

Visual forms of wonderful landscape art can be divided between the Oriental and Western art, with this article having more most focus on the latter. Landscape oil paintings from the Western world particularly the art centers of Europe like Netherlands, France and Italy, tend to depict the terrains as serene, calm, and relaxing. The article would mention some examples of these landscape art of oil paintings.

The World's Most Famous Wonderful Mona Lisa Painting

Mona Lisa

  Mona Lisa, the world's most famous wonderful painting, owned by the French government and hangs in the Louvre in Paris. The oil painting shows a woman looking at viewer with what is often described as "enigmatic smile". Mona Lisa painting  is probably the most famous in the history of art; several other painting works of art are as romantic, celebrate.

Mona Lisa, oil painting on most a poplar wood panel by the great Italian painter, draftsman, sculptor, architect, and engineer Leonardo da Vinci, probably the world’s most excellent  famous painting. It was painted sometime between 1503 and 1506, when da Vinci was living in Florence place, and it now hangs in the Louvre, in Paris, where it remains an object of pilgrimage in the 21st century. 

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

The Basic Of Oil Painting Overview

All paint is a mixture of a dry pigment and solid of a liquid. The oil paint the dry pigment is mixed with linseed oil. Linseed oil is a drying oil that dries by chemical oxidation. That is, it takes oxygen from the air and creates a crystalline solid that encases the pigment in a permanent form reaction . When it's dry it 's never possible to removed.

 Oil paint is so much thick. It comes in tubes of color. The paints are squeezed out onto a palette where they are mixed together with a palette knife to make the various new colors. It's then applied to a vertical canvas with stiff painting brushes.

 Oil paints are slow drying part. Usually taking 3 days before you can put on another coat. The drying time is may be an advantage and disadvantage also. The great advantage is that you have time to refine and adjust what you painting before it dries. This is particularly useful when making gradual transitions from one color to another color. Also if you painting something you don't like, it can be removed while wet using a rag, palette knife or rubber squeegee and replace it.

 The disadvantages are that when putting two wet colors next to each other they can cross-contaminate if not applied accurately. The palette, the stiff  brushes and the wet painting must be handled carefully to keep wet paint off, fingers, food, fabric and furniture etc.,The paint may be manipulated for up to 12 hours after which you must wait three days for it to dry before going back to make any changes. When oil paint is dry, new colors can be applied over old color. Many layers of paint may be applied at any time.

The Oil Painting -Colossus of Rhodes

The oil painting colors says Colossus of Rhodes was a gigantic hollow bronze statue of Apollo. It was erected around old century 292-275 B.C. by Chares of Lindus to overlook the harbor of Rhodes. It required twelve years to build but stood only 56 years until it was overthrown and broken to the  pieces by huge earthquake in 224 B.C..

 The statue stood upward of 105 feet high top on an embankment facing the port (not straddling the first entrance to the port as was often thought).  The legs of the statue were filled with masonry to keep the statue from being top strong heavy.  This and other precautions were unable to save yet another of the wonderful painting ancient wonders from the fury of earthquakes.  It lay broken on the rocks for 896 years until Arab conquerors sold it as scrap metal in 672 A.D..

The Art Of Oil Painting Glazing Media

The arts of oil paintings are the most respected and highly valued of all the wet painting media and with very good meaningful reasons. Oils can be controlled better than anything else in our life.

Oil paintings are also the most expensive painting media and can be the most toxic as well. This set of tube colors, nice brushes, and various mediums cost six hundred dollars. The good messages is the paints are not the problem but the cleaning and glazing media.
The old experiences masters mostly used refined linseed oil painting and turpentine and these have been replaced with much better substitutes in the 21st century generation that do not contain lead.Sadly, there is no much entirely non-toxic oil painting experience. 24 hour hour drying time rather than weeks releases fumes for a short time period and less toxicity is better than extremely intense toxicity. 
Odorless mineral spirits like Gamsol by Gamblin are expensive but get rid of the very strong smell almost altogether. They dilute the arts of paint just as well nice and make clean up a breeze. When oil painting on an upright canvas on an easel, or over any wet colorful painting a ball-stick is a must to keep a steady hand and protect sticky or nice wet areas from getting ruined.

Monday, 14 May 2012

The Painting Of Angels An Many Ways Life

The wonderful oil painting of over thousands of years, mankind has described the functions of angels in many types of  ways. The role of angels is developed in greatest detail in world religions based on revelation the disclosure or communication of divine truth or divine will to human beings. These most monotheistic religions that share this view include Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Zoroastrianism.

How far this Angelology was most influenced by Babylonian and Persian mythology, and what its kind of relations are to Mandæan lore and to great Egyptian-Hellenistic Gnosticism, is still a matter of dispute but Persian mythology is throughout and interwoven with Angelology (see best Brandt, "Mandäische Religion," pp. 194-198). Coptic Gnosticism, also, has Ariel as king of the nether world painting , corresponding with your of the Mandæans.So, many nice world history painting shows real kings life.

The Holy Angels Who God Has Sent To Minister

God and men

The love of spiritual beings intermediate between God and men; described in Hebrew, Christian, and Islamic scriptures, as well as in the great Kabala. They are most celestial attendants of almighty God. The most grerat famous of them are Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Metatron. The nature of angels love  is that they are servants of God and have no never free will, they were made of fire as men were made from soil of clay and do only that which God bids them.

 In most traditional angelology, angels constituted the lowest of the nine celestial orders (seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominations or dominions, virtues, high powers, principalities or princedoms, archangels, and angels). They served as messengers and saviors to mankind, but the tradition tells us a third of them rebelled against the most high led by Lucifer, the most beautiful of them all in a war in heaven before the world of  earth was formed. They were the judged and are now called demons and are as malevolent and pernicious as the holy angels are kind and beneficial...

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

The Great Cradel Of Civilization Painting

Early great excellent oil painting of western civilizations included the Egyptians and Babylonians.

  The ancient city of Babylon ruled the world history  in it's day just as Rome did in hers. Called "The Cradle of Civilization" it was the birthplace of our Royal modern courts and justice system based upon the legendary "Code of Hammurabi" and boasted as it's showpiece one of the seven wonders of the ancient world; The wonderful  Hanging Gardens of Babylon built by Legendary King Nebucadnezzar  for his wife.

   The original Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, only The Great Pyramids in Egypt still stand today. Built by The Pharaoh Cheops, ( 2900-2877 B.C.) The Great huge Pyramids are the costliest monuments any man has ever built to himself, and their construction methods remain a mystery to this day.

The Wonderful Hanging Gardens of Babylon

The wonderful Hanging Gardens were a series of terraces rising along the Euphates huge river bank in five tiers of 50 feet each above the next and connected by marble stairways. Each tier was planted with a profusion of fabulous big trees, shrubs, and colorful flowers. The luxury gardens were chill watered by fountains fed through pipes from cisterns in the topmost terrace. Nebuchadnezzar had history's most celebrated the gardens developed as an adjunct to his peaceful palace; but the Greeks ascribed them to Semiramis; a legendary wonder queen of Babylon, daughter of the goddess Derceto. The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were dedicated to the great planet Venus.

The Amazing Oil Painting Of Natural Sunset

Bequeathed to the nation in 1857, the “Chichester Canal” is regarded one of the most excellent spectacular of all Turner’s works. Commissioned by George Wyndham, 3rd Earl of Egremont, it is thought  the wonderful painting ambient like natural sunset hues were inspired by the beautiful atmospheric effects ofthe Mount Tambora volcanic eruption in Indonesia, around April 1815. The occurrence led to 1815 being dubbed the “Year Without yellow Summer” for many years afterwards. Turner’s impression of this East-facing vista down Chichester Canal is believed to be the very same view he saw from the windows of nice  Petworth Manor, West Sussex.

The Mermorable Art Of Haywain (1821) – By John Constable

The great leader of the Romanticists during the 18th Century art revolution, John Constable is best known for his classical portrayals of excellent rural landscapes and village life, capturing luxury scenes as they happened. Much of his work centres around the ribbons of greenery either side of the wonderful River Stour, Suffolk – where Constable lived for most of his memorable life. 

The Haywain type of  life at Flatford Mill on the River Stour, as it would have looked in 1821 at  London. The diminutive cottage to the left belonged to Willy Lott, farmer and owner of the surrounding evergreen lands.
Today, “The Haywain” takes pride of wonderful  place among several notable Constable works, at the National Gallery, London.